RLB UK gains Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award.
The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) encourages employers to support the Armed Forces community and inspire others to do the same.

RLB is proud to be recognised as an employer who demonstrates commitment and support for defence personnel, including those currently serving, veterans, and their families, and aligns their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.
Our Armed Forces Community at RLB actively supports service leavers, as they transition into employment at RLB and offers support to families of serving personnel, especially at times of deployment.
Arron Lock, Associate, a veteran and Armed Forces Community Chair, comments:
“Our recent ERS Silver Award is testament to the ongoing development of the RLB Armed Forces Community. I’m grateful to our community members, particularly those who have acted as a catalyst in recent months and more broadly, to RLB as a business for their ongoing investment in our community.”