Cities around the world are shaped by their built environment and constructed with the intent to change lives for the better.
Each day millions of construction professionals seek ways to access the latest cost information to keep up to date with current market trends. Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) clients have all the information they need to assist in making informed and successful project decisions with RLB Intelligence.
Estimates of the current range of costs across the globe for key building types. Rates are in national currency.
Rider Levett Bucknall accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of results or for any losses whatsoever and howsoever arising from any use of or reliance upon any calculations or conclusions reached using this indicator. You should consult your local Rider Levett Bucknall office for further information and verification on the applicability of the results to your circumstances.
Calculates the construction cost differential between two selected dates.
Rider Levett Bucknall accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of results or for any losses whatsoever and howsoever arising from any use of or reliance upon any calculations or conclusions reached using this indicator. You should consult your local Rider Levett Bucknall office for further information and verification on the applicability of the results to your circumstances.
Calculates the construction cost differential between two selected cities.
Rider Levett Bucknall accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of results or for any losses whatsoever and howsoever arising from any use of or reliance upon any calculations or conclusions reached using this indicator. You should consult your local Rider Levett Bucknall office for further information and verification on the applicability of the results to your circumstances.
The current status within the development activity cycle for key construction sectors of selected cities.
This is a complete list of the terms used throughout our Construction Cost Calculators,
Aged Care - Single Storey
Single Storey domestic construction, minimal specialist and service areas, 35-45m2 GFA per bed.
Base relativity index for the dates selected are not available for these cities
Please note that the appearance of this message does not indicate an error within the system. Where 'Base relativity index for the dates selected are not available for these cities' is displayed in the Tender Price Index module, the system has been unable to locate a value, as the user-selected date parameter is outside the beginning or the end of the series. The explanation is that, for example, the indexation series for some cities commences at January 2000, whereas others commence at January 2004.
Bid Price Index
The Bid Price Index facility enables the user to identify general levels of construction tender pricing in one of two ways:
1 By location: Identification of bid price index percentage difference at a selected point in time, between two user-selected locations. The Base Location selected by the user is the 'starting point' against which the difference is measured in percentage terms. The Alternative Location is the user's chosen comparison location. A positive answer depicts a market in which the general level of bid pricing in the Altenative Location exceeds, or is forecast to exceed, that of the Base Location.
2 By date: Identification of bid price index percentage movement in a given location, over a selected period of time. The Base Date selected by the user is the 'starting point' against which movement is measured in percentage terms. The Alternative Date is the user's chosen date for comparison. A positive answer depicts a market in which the general level of bid pricing has risen, or is forecast to rise, over the selected time period. -
Building Works
Building works including substructure, structure, finishings, fittings, management items, and builder's work in connection with services. General exclusions are: Loose furniture and fittings, subdivision partitions in office buildings, private telephone systems, tenancy works, site works and drainage, land cost, legal and professional fees, interest/opportunity cost on money, sales and other value added taxes.
Billion, defined as 1,000 million, 1x109 and always expressed to 3 decimal places after the point, e.g. 1bn = 1.000bn
Central Business District
Construction Floor Area: the area of all building enclosed covered spaces, measured to the outside face of the external walls including covered basement and above ground car park areas.
Construction Floor Area: the area of all building covered spaces, measured to the outside face of the external walls.
Car Parks; Basement
CBD locations incur penalties for restricted sites and perimeter conditions.
Car Parks; Open Deck Multi-Storey
Minimal External Walling.
Cinemas; Group complex 2,000-4,000 seats
Exclusions: Projection equipment, seating.
Comparator index not found
Please note that the appearance of this message does not indicate an error within the system. Where 'Comparator index not found' is displayed in the Tender Price Index module, the system has been unable to locate a value for the Alternative Location's or the Alternative Date's index, as the user-selected date parameter is outside the beginning or the end of the series. The explanation is that, for example, the indexation series for some cities commences at January 2000, whereas others commence at January 2004.
Construction Cost Indicator
The Construction Cost Indicator is a facility through which the user can obtain an indication of the likely general level of construction cost in a given location at the date shown below the result of the search. The costs stated in this section reflect the standards and specifications normal to the country or Region. Variations in cost may be experienced for factors such as site conditions, climatic conditions, standards of specification, market conditions etc. General exclusions are: Loose furniture and fittings, subdivision partitions in office buildings, private telephone systems, tenancy works, site works and drainage, land cost, legal and professional fees, interest/opportunity cost on money, sales and other value added taxes.
Construction Rates: Generally
Construction Cost Indicative figures include Building Works and Building Services. Range of cost depicts current building costs expected should tenders be called in the respective city. General exclusions are: Loose furniture and fittings, subdivision partitions in office buildings, private telephone systems, tenancy works, site works and drainage, land cost, legal and professional fees, interest/opportunity cost on money, sales and other value added taxes.
Gross Floor Area: Total of all floor areas, measured to internal face of external wall; includes unenclosed floor areas, but EXCLUDES areas of other building types, e.g. Car Parking structures (whether below or above ground) integrated within an office building.
High, in respect of the Rider Levett Bucknall Construction Cost Indicator, is the upper end of a range of cost levels. The range of cost levels is affected by multiple factors interacting together, including but not limited to, building shape, size, location, orientation, specification, internal efficiency and timing of receipt of tenders for the works.
Hotels: Five Star
85-110m2 GFA per Room Total, unless otherwise stated; 45-55m2 GFA per Room Accommodation; 40-55m2 GFA per Room Public Space; EXCLUDING FF&E unless otherwise stated.
Hotels: Four Star
65-85m2 GFA per Room Total, unless otherwise stated; 40-45m2 GFA per Room Accommodation; 25-40m2 GFA per Room Public Space; EXCLUDING FF&E unless otherwise stated.
Hotels: Three Star
40-65m2 GFA per Room Total, unless otherwise stated; 30-40m2 GFA per Room Accommodation; 10-25m2 GFA per Room Public Space; EXCLUDING FF&E unless otherwise stated.
Industrial Buildings
Quality reflects a simplified form of construction suitable for light industry. Exclusions: Hardstandings, Roadworks and Special Equipment.
Investment Grade offices
Investment Grade offices are buildings designed for the mid-range of their respective rental markets.
Low, in respect of the Rider Levett Bucknall Construction Cost Indicator, is the lower end of a range of cost levels. The range of cost levels is affected by multiple factors interacting together, including but not limited to, building shape, size, location, orientation, specification, internal efficiency and timing of receipt of tenders for the works.
Million, 1x106 and always expressed to 3 decimal places after the point, e.g. 1M = 1.000M
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing.
Fully finished and serviced space.
Market Sector Activity
Market Sector Activity diagrams show the general movement of market activity in the respective sectors of the construction industry at an identified location, at a given point in time. When collated for a Region, they show, in percentage terms, the proportion of locations in which a particular market sector is, at that point in time, in the Trough Zone, the Mid Zone or the Peak Zone.
Pre-Cast Concret
Prestige Office Buildings
Prestige office buildings are defined as landmark office buildings located in major CBD office markets and which are pace-setters in establishing rents.
Private Hospital 45-60m2 GFA per bed
Low-rise hospital with minimal operating theatre capacity, including specialist and service areas; excluding loose furniture, special medical equipment.
Private Hospital 55-80m2 GFA per bed
Low-rise hospital with major operating theatre capacity, including extensive specialist and service areas; excluding loose furniture, special medical equipment.
Public Space
In Hotels; Public space includes Service areas.
Regional Shopping Centres; Department Store
Partially finished, suspended ceilings, unpainted walls. Excluding Floor Finishes, Shop Fittings etc..
Regional Shopping Centres; Supermarket/Variety Store
Fully finished and serviced space. Excluding Cool rooms, shop fittings, refrigeration equipment etc..
Residential Multi-Storey Units
Reflective of medium to luxury quality, air-conditioned accommodation up to 80 storeys. (Range given is significantly affected by building height, configuration and plumbing point ratios. Exclusions: Loose furniture, special fittings, white goods).
Residential Single-Storey or 1-3 Storey building
Reflective of medium quality, non air-conditioned accommodation. (Range given is significantly affected by building height, configuration and plumbing point ratios. Exclusions: Loose furniture, special fittings, white good
Residential: Configuration
Refers to shape, orientation of building and GFA of units, together with wet areas and wet-points ratios.
Residential: Wet areas
Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Shower areas.
Residential: Wet points
Plumbing points within Wet areas.
Residential: White goods
Washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, and the like.
Small Shops and Showrooms
Excluding Floor finishes, plumbing (other than hot and cold wter to sink fittings in each shop), shop fittings and air-conditioning.
Specialty Shops
Partially finished, with ceilings, unpainted walls, power to perimeter point. Excluding Floor Finishes, shop fittings and air-conditioning.
Standalone building
Indicates a Car Park structure which is a standalone entity, not in association with another building type.
Square foot/feet
sq feet
Square Feet - This is the toggle in the Construction Cost Indicator. Users clicking on this button will convert the answer shown in the Indicator into Currency per square foot. If the calculation already shows Currency per square foot, no change will be effected.
Tender Price Index
The Tender Price Index facility enables the user to identify general levels of construction tender pricing in one of two ways:
1 By location: Identification of tender price index percentage difference at a selected point in time, between two user-selected locations. The Base Location selected by the user is the 'starting point' against which the difference is measured in percentage terms. The Alternative Location is the user's chosen comparison location. A positive answer depicts a market in which the general level of tender pricing in the Altenative Location exceeds, or is forecast to exceed, that of the Base Location.
2 By date: Identification of tender price index percentage movement in a given location, over a selected period of time. The Base Date selected by the user is the 'starting point' against which movement is measured in percentage terms. The Alternative Date is the user's chosen date for comparison. A positive answer depicts a market in which the general level of tender pricing has risen, or is forecast to rise, over the selected time period. -
Trillion, defined as 1,000,000 million (one million million), 1x1012 and always expressed to 3 decimal places after the point, e.g. 1tr = 1.000tr