Andrew Suttie
Senior Consultant
Adelaide, Australia
Andrew Suttie is a Senior Consultant of RLB in Adelaide. He is involved in business development, bid management, client relations, and project leadership for public and private sector clients.
Since 1989, Andrew has provided consultancy advice on construction projects across all industry sectors. He is proud to have been involved in the majority of South Australia’s most iconic and challenging education and health projects, such as the $2 billion New Royal Adelaide Hospital-the most advanced health facility in Australia.
Andrew is known for his lateral approach to problem solving and for encouraging project teams to aspire to best value solutions.
An accomplished public speaker, he has presented to the Australian Construction Industry Forecasting (ACIF) forums and delivered ‘state of the market’ presentations for many health and education service providers, as well as the Property Council of Australia.
Andrew is a member of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, and an associate member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Economics and Quantity Surveying from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland.