Built Asset Consultancy

Building Surveying

Project Delivery

Successful projects are the result of good communication, design excellence, effective implementation and coordinated service delivery. Our ‘one-stop’ team – comprising experts in the refurbishment and alteration of existing buildings along with architectural, MEP, fire and decarbonisation specialists – provides a comprehensive solution from concept to completion. Our building surveyors will work closely with you through each stage of the RIBA process to ensure we meet the brief and deliver project excellence, in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Achieve design excellence

The key to successful project delivery is to fully understand the client’s objectives and drivers from the outset. Through workshops and regular communication, our building surveyors and expert in-house design team will work together to deliver a coordinated and comprehensive design solution in line with your brief, budget, risks and timescales, ensuring your project’s goals and desired outcomes are delivered.

Improve the cost efficiency of projects

Delivering a project within budget and on schedule is essential for commercial success. With our ‘one stop’ delivery model, we can provide you with an integrated and coordinated solution. Not only does this improve design team communication and collaboration, but it also produces cost efficiency savings in overheads by reducing management time, error and waste, which leads to improved outputs and better outcomes.

Manage risk and enhance project success

Our building surveyors are specially trained and experienced in understanding the complexities of existing buildings. We manage each individual project in a proactive way, providing design and procurement solutions which help to manage risk and enhance project success. Early and consistent engagement throughout the design process, supported by digital platforms, ensures accurate reporting and management at each stage.

Attain the highest quality standards

The identification of defects can have a significant impact on the schedule, resources and cost of a project. Our quality monitoring team, involved throughout the construction process, embraces digitisation and innovative procedures to understand trends and help you attain the highest quality standards. This assists with a smooth construction and close-out process, minimising risk and post-completion costs for you.

Value & Impact

How we’ve helped others meet their challenges



Fast tracking a sustainable new hub for innovative learning

In early 2022, The University of Hull sought to deliver a step-change in the provision of its teaching excellence, quality research, and knowledge exchange for its Centre of Excellence for Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Modelling (DAIM). Through assured project management and the innovative use of modern construction methods, less than 12 months later, the university opened its new £4.5 million flagship for computational teaching and research.



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