Commercial Success

Feasibility Studies

Cost Management & Quantity Surveying

Feasibility Studies

When a feasibility study is performed correctly, it allows a rapid response at the very beginning of a project to an assessment of the viability and value of the project’s goals, so that alternative solutions can be found quickly when necessary. RLB’s cost benchmarking data, together with our cost modelling expertise, can be used as a dynamic tool to review alternative design options and explore ‘what if’ scenarios, enabling you to identify the most cost-effective options.

Achieve your project goals

A clear understanding from the outset of your value drivers beyond capital cost will contribute to your project’s ultimate success. At feasibility stage, we will work with you to define, set and manage your key value parameters, helping you to achieve your project goals and wider business objectives.

Benchmark project performance

An initiated project will need to be benchmarked against similar projects from a capital cost perspective. Consideration must also be given to other areas of value – operational costs, carbon and sustainability, and wider social value creation, all of which are covered by RLB’s benchmarking database.

Optimise value and outcomes

To optimise value, it is critical to consider potential options from a value driver perspective. It also requires an understanding of the interrelationships and interactions of the main project objectives and their impact on value. Our tools and optioneering expertise will give you the information and guidance you need to make informed decisions to achieve better outcomes.

Value & Impact




Complex multi-phase refurbishment to create inspiring art & media facilities

Knights Park is one of five teaching campuses at the University and is the only single-faculty campus, housing the Kingston School of Art.

“The feasibility study RLB carried out furnished us with a thorough assessment of the commercial and technical viability of our project’s goals and requirements. The analysis and benchmarking data it contained enabled us to make informed decisions at an early stage on whole life costs, return on investment and value-based outcomes, laying the foundations for the project’s ultimate success.”

Confidential client



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Eddie Visscher
Eddie Visscher

Partner - International Projects