United Kingdom


United Kingdom


Sheffield is the fifth largest city in the UK and is a thriving commercial centre.

As the original ‘Steel City’, its unique ‘Made in Sheffield’ influence can be felt globally.
With a thriving gaming and digital film industry and a world-renowned digital and creative sector, it is a city of ‘makers’. Sheffield is big on skills. In fact, over 35% of graduates remain here every year.
Since 1969, RLB in Sheffield has worked on many of the region’s transformational projects, such as the two city universities, the city centre redevelopment, and the new city markets hall building.
Our reach extends across South Yorkshire, the Sheffield City region, North Lincolnshire and the East Midlands, and our sector specialisms include education, residential, healthcare and industrial.

Matt Summerhill
Matt Summerhill

Managing Partner - Yorkshire & Humber


Fountain Precinct, 7th Floor Orchard Lane Wing, Balm Green, Sheffield, S1 2JA

Local time
